Jacob Oommen – An Approachable Barrister

The Good News is that the revolution has begun. As of 1st April 2010, as a Public Access Barrister I can undertake work for you directly without having to cost two sets of fees and you will only deal with me and not have to rely on two professionals. As a barrister entitled to take your instructions directly without a third party solicitor, you now have the freedom of choice to talk to me with your problems and seek advice on the legal procedures and practise of various areas of legal work which are listed below.

Who Am I?

After my extensive career as a Clerk and Legal Executive in a Singapore Law firm, having responsibility for a vast turnover dealing with high profile commercial legal work, I moved to London to complete my legal studies. Having gained a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in law and been called to The Bar, I undertook work as a practising barrister. In 2006, I registered as a Public Access Barrister and, since 1st April 2010, I am able to receive instructions in Criminal, Family and Immigration Law without a solicitor. My other areas of practice are listed in the section on areas of law.